abstracted away e.g., in Fixpoint-based computational fields
Field based coordination
Dealing with time
Historical focus on space rather than time
Time is abstracted away by design whenever possible
…but in practice…
Space and time are intertwined
Propagation speed influences the evolution of fields
Dynamic systems are always in a transient state
Challenge and desiderata
why bother?
Fine grained control over transient dynamics enables improved reactivity to changes as well as efficiency both in communication and energy consumption
do not force the designer to lower the abstraction level
do support all the existing coordination mechanisms
do allow for proactive and reactive policies
Time-Fluid Field Coordination
leverage field-based coordination itself and maintain a causality field driving the dynamics of application-level fields
Time-Fluid Field Coordination
Define a set of platform triggers $ \mathcal{T} $
including timers and results of field computations
Associate a guard policy $ \mathbf{G} $ to every field program $ \mathbf{P} $
inheriting the language of the field program itself
$ \mathbf{G} $’s evaluation produces a boolean$b$ and a set$T_c\subseteq\mathcal{T}$
$b$ determines whether $ \mathbf{P} $ should execute immediately
$T_c$ is the causality field
$ \mathbf{P} $ will get evaluated next if an event $t\in$$T_c$ happens
At bootstrap, all policies are evaluated.
Time-Fluid Field Coordination
$ \mathbf{P} $ produces a local field value by consuming:
messages from neighbors $M\in\mathcal{M}$
contextual information (e.g., sensor readings) $S\in\mathcal{S}$
$ \mathbf{G} $ is a field computation locally modeled as:
$$f_G\colon{}(\mathcal{S}, \mathcal{M})\to(\{0, 1\}, \mathcal{T}^{2})$$
Access to $M$ and $S$ and the ability to produce $T_c\in\mathcal{T}^{2}$ have crucial impact on the expressivity of $ \mathbf{G} $
Time-Fluid Field Coordination
From programming space in time to programming the space-time
Adaptation controls time rather than experience it
Adaptatation to causality by reacting to perceived events
e.g., by accelerating or slowing down the field computation
Co-causality as field computations can depend on each other
Of course, with great expressiveness comes great responsibility
Time-Fluid Aggregate Computing
Prototype implementation available using the Protelis programming language
No change to the syntax of Protelis
Aggregate computations have an associated guard policy
Guard policies are written in plain Protelis
Time-Fluid Aggregate Computing
guard policy code sample (more in the paper…)
import platform.EventType.* // Event types are provided by the hosting platform
let reason = env.get("platform.event")// Sensor-like access to the triggering event
// Policy guards are full fledged aggregate programs
let peopleCount = foldSum(nbr(env.get("people_count")))
let lastCount = rep(s <-[0,0]){[s.get(1), peopleCount]}.get(0)
let attendantsChanged = lastCount != peopleCount
[// A policy returns a pair of:
// A boolean, deciding whether the guarded program should run
reason == MESSAGE_TIMEOUT || reason == MESSAGE_RECEIVED || attendantsChanged,[MESSAGE_RECEIVED, SENSOR("people_count")]// A list of accepted future triggering events
40x40 irregular grid of devices with the goal of computing distance from the closest source
Sources are mobile devices and one static device located on South-West of the scenario
Mobile devices enter one at a time from North-West and exit from North-East
Devices round frequency is dynamically regulated via a guard policy
f — maximum allowed frequency
v — speed of the mobile nodes
Error — Measured with respect to an oracle
Mean round count — Proxy metric for energy consumption
Yellow: less rounds — red: more rounds
Yellow: less rounds — red: more rounds
Speed = 0
similar error, much lower energy cost
Speed = 2
lower error and energy cost
Speed = 5
lower error and energy cost
Speed = 10
lower error and energy cost
Time-Fluid Field Coordination
A causality field approach for programming the space-time
Inherits the host language
Applicable to field-based coordination approaches
Prototype available for Aggregate Computing / Protelis