Time-fluid field-based coordination

Danilo Pianini, Stefano Mariani

Mirko Viroli, Franco Zambonelli

What is time?

Does time even exist?

Between physics and philosophy


  • Immutable
  • Everywhere
  • Fine for many practical applications, but does not match reality

Between physics and philosophy

Modern views

  • Very much related to the search for a unifying theory
  • Several (conflicting) positions

Suggested readings

  • Carroll’s From eternity to here
  • Rovelli’s The order of time

Relational interpretation

Quantum systems are observer-dependent

time might be meaningful only in presence of events

time comes from causality and not vice versa

Field based coordination

Computing by evolving distributed data structures:

computational fields

Notable examples (not exhaustive):

  • TOTA (Mamei/Zambonelli)
  • Fixpoint-based computational fields (Lafuente/Loreti/Montanari)
  • Aggregate computing (Beal/Pianini/Viroli)

Field based coordination

Dealing with time

  • The designer focuses on the eventual behaviour
  • Computation happens in atomic rounds
  • Round scheduling is controlled externally
  • Scheduling may be:
    • reactive e.g., in TOTA
    • proactive/timed e.g., in Aggregate computing
    • abstracted away e.g., in Fixpoint-based computational fields

Field based coordination

Dealing with time

  • Historical focus on space rather than time
  • Time is abstracted away by design whenever possible

…but in practice…

  • Space and time are intertwined
  • Propagation speed influences the evolution of fields
  • Dynamic systems are always in a transient state

Challenge and desiderata

why bother?

Fine grained control over transient dynamics
enables improved reactivity to changes as well as efficiency
both in communication and energy consumption


  • do not force the designer to lower the abstraction level
  • do support all the existing coordination mechanisms
  • do allow for proactive and reactive policies

Time-Fluid Field Coordination

leverage field-based coordination itself and maintain a
causality field
driving the dynamics of application-level fields

Time-Fluid Field Coordination

  • Define a set of platform triggers $ \mathcal{T} $
    • including timers and results of field computations
  • Associate a guard policy $ \mathbf{G} $ to every field program $ \mathbf{P} $
    • inheriting the language of the field program itself
    • $ \mathbf{G} $’s evaluation produces a boolean $b$ and a set $T_c\subseteq\mathcal{T}$
      • $b$ determines whether $ \mathbf{P} $ should execute immediately
      • $T_c$ is the causality field
    • $ \mathbf{P} $ will get evaluated next if an event $t\in$ $T_c$ happens
  • At bootstrap, all policies are evaluated.

Time-Fluid Field Coordination

$ \mathbf{P} $ produces a local field value by consuming:

  • messages from neighbors $M\in\mathcal{M}$
  • contextual information (e.g., sensor readings) $S\in\mathcal{S}$

$ \mathbf{G} $ is a field computation locally modeled as: $$f_G\colon{}(\mathcal{S}, \mathcal{M})\to(\{0, 1\}, \mathcal{T}^{2})$$

  • Access to $M$ and $S$ and the ability to produce $T_c\in\mathcal{T}^{2}$
    have crucial impact on the expressivity of $ \mathbf{G} $

Time-Fluid Field Coordination


  • From programming space in time to programming the space-time
    • Adaptation controls time rather than experience it
  • Adaptatation to causality by reacting to perceived events
    • e.g., by accelerating or slowing down the field computation
  • Co-causality as field computations can depend on each other
    • Of course, with great expressiveness comes great responsibility

Time-Fluid Aggregate Computing

Prototype implementation available using the Protelis programming language

  • No change to the syntax of Protelis
  • Aggregate computations have an associated guard policy
  • Guard policies are written in plain Protelis

Time-Fluid Aggregate Computing

guard policy code sample (more in the paper…)

import platform.EventType.* // Event types are provided by the hosting platform
let reason = env.get("platform.event") // Sensor-like access to the triggering event
// Policy guards are full fledged aggregate programs
let peopleCount = foldSum(nbr(env.get("people_count")))
let lastCount = rep(s <- [0, 0]) { [s.get(1), peopleCount] }.get(0)
let attendantsChanged = lastCount != peopleCount
[ // A policy returns a pair of:
  // A boolean, deciding whether the guarded program should run
  reason == MESSAGE_TIMEOUT || reason == MESSAGE_RECEIVED || attendantsChanged,
  [MESSAGE_RECEIVED, SENSOR("people_count")] // A list of accepted future triggering events



  • 40x40 irregular grid of devices with the goal of computing distance from the closest source
  • Sources are mobile devices and one static device located on South-West of the scenario
  • Mobile devices enter one at a time from North-West and exit from North-East
  • Devices round frequency is dynamically regulated via a guard policy


  • f — maximum allowed frequency
  • v — speed of the mobile nodes


  • Error — Measured with respect to an oracle
  • Mean round count — Proxy metric for energy consumption

Yellow: less roundsred: more rounds

Yellow: less roundsred: more rounds

Speed = 0

similar error, much lower energy cost

Speed = 2

lower error and energy cost

Speed = 5

lower error and energy cost

Speed = 10

lower error and energy cost

Time-Fluid Field Coordination


  • A causality field approach for programming the space-time
  • Inherits the host language
  • Applicable to field-based coordination approaches
  • Prototype available for Aggregate Computing / Protelis

Future work

  • Develop the prototype to general availability
  • Test impact on real network