Runtime load-shifting of distributed controllers across networked devices

Danilo Pianini, Angelo Filaseta

@DAIS 2023, Lisboa


  • Controlling and monitoring large situated systems can be computationally expensive
  • Heterogeneity of devices impact both controllee and controller
    • Workloads should be able to run on very different runtimes and hardware
  • Heavy workloads impact negatively on performance and battery life
  • Scaling up is not always possible
    • And even when possible, it is often expensive

Instead of scaling, we want to shift the load at runtime, depending on the context, and across different runtimes!


System Similarity Difference
Load balancing in cloud systems shifts computational load to optimize performance assumes homogeneous (cloud) devices
Mobile code / mobile agents computational load is designed to be moved across devices available technologies assume a shared runtime/middleware
Cloud gaming capable to run the same heavy workload as a local application or as a bidirectional stream does not loadshift at runtime (requires shutdown and restart)

Abstract architecture

abstract architecture

Far Endpoint $\mathcal{F}$ – software component, usually non-local, that provides means to perform the primary operations required on the target system through a well-defined API;

Near Endpoint $\mathcal{N}$ – software component the user interacts directly with, hence, running on a device the user has direct access to, whose goal is to interact with the Far Endpoint;

Common Data Model $\mathcal{M}$ – a formal (and serialisable) description of the data exchanged among all the components of the system;

Heavy-duty Executor $\mathcal{H}$ – software module performing resource-intensive computational tasks; this is the component that can be executed and moved on either $\mathcal{F}$ or $\mathcal{N}$

hamster hamster

Key idea

abstract architecture

  • Isolate $\mathcal{H}$ from the rest of the system;
  • Encapsulate the data model in a serialisable shared format $\mathcal{M}$;
  • Mediate all $\mathcal{N} \rightleftarrows{} \mathcal{F}$ interactions through $\mathcal{H}$ leveraging $\mathcal{M}$
    • $\mathcal{N} \rightleftarrows{} \mathcal{M} \rightleftarrows{} \mathcal{H} \rightleftarrows{} \mathcal{M} \rightleftarrows{} \mathcal{F}$;

In short, the architecture struggles to isolate and minimize the part of code that needs to be moved.

Practical problem: how to move $\mathcal{H}$ across different runtimes?

Moving code around: strategies

Copy and enable

  • every devices has a dormant instance of $\mathcal{H}$
  • only one copy of $\mathcal{H}$ can be active at a time
  • requires $\mathcal{H}$ to be stateless
    • all state must be serializable and embedded into $\mathcal{M}$
  • Relatively straightforward to implement when $\mathcal{H}$ natively has little or no state
  • Better reactivity as only commands and state travel over the network
  • Wastes resources to keep a copy of $\mathcal{H}$ on all devices

Mobile code

  • $\mathcal{H}$ gets serialized and sent over the network
  • Better flexibility as state and behaviour move together
  • A single shared copy potentially enables runtime update injection
    • How to preserve the integrity of the ongoing operation is an open problem though
  • Harder to implement
  • Potentially inferior reactivity as only commands and state travel over the network


Approach Pros Cons Notes
Shared tech/runtime Portability guaranteed by the runtime Portability limited to the portability of the runtime No need of this architecture (becomes an overkill)
Porting Each implementation can be optimized Expensive development, expensive maintenance, error-prone, duplication Notable examples exist, such as ioquake 3
Multi-targeting Single codebase as in the shared runtime More complex build process, few technologies Kotlin and Scala viable solutions

Proof of concept

Showcase requirements

  • Use incompatible platforms for $\mathcal{N}$ and $\mathcal{F}$
  • Emulate multiple networked devices (non-trivial $\mathcal{H}$)
  • Non-trivial workload moving across the incompatible platforms

Nice to have

  • Software architecture allowing to reuse as much code as possible
  • Large enough to make porting unfeasible

Proof of concept: target

logo Alchemist

  • Simulator for large-scale distributed systems
  • JVM-based (written in Java, Kotlin, and Scala)

Proof of concept: architecture

POC architecture

Logical Component Alchemist Component Platform
$\mathcal{M}$ Simulator Model + New serialization surrogates and
$\mathcal{F}$ Simulator Engine + New server module
$\mathcal{N}$ Browser
$\mathcal{H}$ New rendering system and

Proof of concept: design

POC architecture

Proof of concept: demo

curl -sL | bash

running on N running on F

Feel free to try it yourself :)

Requirements: Java 8+, Internet connection, a browser, curl, and bash

Proof of concept: performance analysis

total time serialization time rendering time deserialization time


  • A novel architecture for moving workloads across heterogeneous runtimes
    1. Isolate the heavy load part
    2. Identify the shared model and make it serializable
    3. Mediate all interactions through the heavy load part and the shared model
    4. Either write multiple ports of the heavy load, or much better, use a multi-target build process
  • The Proof of concept demonstrates feasibility
  • The Performance Analysis suggests potentials benefits for heterogenuous systems and evolving contexts

Future work

  • PoC integrated in the simulator, but way more work is needed to make it usable
  • Investigation of autonomic dynamic load shift strategies

(question time unofficially supported by the mighty load-shift hamster)