background image adapted from: Diego Delso,, License CC BY-SA

Decentralized Multi-Drone Coordination for Wildlife Video Acquisition

Denys Grushchak , Jenna Kline , Danilo Pianini ,
Nicolas Farabegoli , Gianluca Aguzzi , Martina Baiardi , and Christopher Stewart

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna, Cesena (FC), Italy

Computer Science and Engineering Department, The Ohio State University, Columbus (OH), USA

Wildlife behavior acquisition

A paramount tool for ethologists and biologists to gather insights into the nature and inform conservation efforts for endangered species.

  • Animal health monitoring
  • Behavioral changes induced by climate change or human activity
  • Current population level
  • Insights into future population levels
background image: Abujoy, License CC BY-SA
background image derived from: Abujoy, License CC BY-SA

GPS collars

  • Great position tracking
  • Possibly equipped with further sensors (temperature, accelerometer…)
  • Long battery life
  • No video
  • Invasive (requires capture and release) $\Rightarrow$ Limited sample size
author: Arddu, License CC Attribution 2.0 Generic
author: Winterline, License CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
author: Kalyan Varma, License CC BY-SA
author: Prashanthns, License CC BY-SA

Camera traps

  • Photos and potentially videos
  • Non-invasive
  • Multiple species
  • Static and with limited range
  • False triggers
  • Subject to vandalism and theft
  • Generally fragile (the tiger in the first picture destroyed the camera)

Fixed-wing drone aerial views

  • Very large area coverage
  • Long flights
  • Nadir imagery: good for mapping, bad for individual behavior
  • Requires specialized training
  • Predefined flight paths

Non-nadir perspective

Quadcopters and similar drones

  • Large area coverage
    • Although much smaller than fixed-wing drones
  • Non-Nadir view is great for individual behavior
  • Multiple drones can get different perspectives
  • Dynamic trajectories
  • Noise may disturb wildlife
  • Relatively short battery life
  • Skilled pilots required
    • Practically impossible to coordinate multiple drones effectively by hand

$\Rightarrow$ Multi-Drone Coordination

  • No need for human pilots
  • Similar to well-known problems in the literature!

A special OMOkC

In the Online Multi-Object k-Coverage (OMOkC) problem, dones coordinate to cover each interesting target with at least $k$ points of view.

Our problem is a variant of OMOkC, in which:

  1. The focus is on animal groups rather than single animals $\Rightarrow$ Herd tracking
  2. Drones have a blind zone due to their non-nadir point of view $\Rightarrow$ Blind zone
  3. The position of animals within the Field-of-View dramatically changes the quality of the result $\Rightarrow$ FoV centrality
  4. The angle at which a subject is being observed matters, lateral views are more informative than frontal ones $\Rightarrow$ Observation angle
  5. Observers emit noise that may alter the behavior of the observed animals $\Rightarrow$ Noise pollution
  6. Observation is performed in contexts with limited infrastructure $\Rightarrow$ Decentralized coordination


A methodology to evaluate the performance in wildlife video acquisition

We define metrics for:

  1. The centrality in the Field-of-View of each camera
  2. The overall angles of observation of each animal
  3. The noise pollution generated by the drones

We build simulations based on a novel herd simulation algorithm based on the KABR dataset
(Jenna presented the algorithm at SISSY on Monday)

$\Rightarrow$ We observe that pre-existing OMOkC algorithms do not perform as well as expected in our context, and thus we propose to extend the current SOTA with:

An herd-aware decentralized multi-drone coordination algorithm

FoV Centrality

  • Let $P_c$ be the center of the FoV $\mathcal{V}$ of camera $c$.
  • Let $F(c)$ be the maximum distance from the center of the FoV


$F(c) = \max \left| P - P_c \right| ~ \forall P \in \mathcal{V}$.

  • For any camera $c$, $F(c)$ represents the worst possible position in its FoV.
  • For an animal $z$ located in $P_z$, a normalized estimate of how poorly it is positioned in the FoV of $c$ is: the ratio between its distance to the center and $F(c)$: $\frac{\left| P_z - P_c \right|}{F(c)}$
  • The normalized FoV centrality for a target animal $z$ and a drone $c$ is then: $Q(z, c) = 1 - \frac{\left| P_z - P_c \right|}{F(c)}$
  • Generalized for a set of cameras $C$ observing a target $z$: $\Gamma(z) = \max_{c \in C} Q(z, c)$

TL;DR: the closer to the center, the better

  • find the worst possible position to be used as bound
  • use that to estimante how good is the animal position for each camera
  • for each animal, consider only the best camera


Observation angle: body coverage


  1. the best observation comes from a perfectly perpendicular angle
  2. the “longerthe side of the animal that is being observed, the better the observation
    • that’s why observations from the side are more valuable than frontal or back ones
  3. small deviations from perpendicularity are not that bad

  1. approximate the animal’s body with a polygon
  2. for each segment $s$ find the camera $c$ observing the segment midpoint from the smallest angle $\alpha_s$: $c$ has the best available view for $s$
  3. normalize $\alpha_s$ in $[0, 1]$ with $\Phi: [-\frac{\pi}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2}]\rightarrow{}[0, 1]$.
  4. use a logistic function to penalize more the extreme angles: $\Phi(x;\mu,\nu)=\left[1+\left(\frac{x(1-\mu)}{\mu(1-x)}\right)^{-\nu}\right]^{-1}, \mu=\frac{1}{2}, \nu=5$
  5. get the observation quality for $s$: $\xi(s) = \Phi\left(\frac{|\alpha_s|}{\frac{\pi}{2}}; \frac{1}{2}, 5\right)$.
  6. repeat for every “side” of the animal in $S_z$ to get the body coverage $\Diamond(z) = \frac{\sum_{s \in{} S_z} |s| \cdot \xi(s)}{|S_z|}$

Noise pollution

We need the Sound Pressure Level $L_P$ at the position of the animal.

Of course, manufacturers only provide the Sound Power Level $L_W$, a measure of the sound energy emitted by the drone.

To convert into the SPL at distance $r$ from the drone, we need a directivity factor $Q$: $L_P = L_W - \left| 10 \log_{10} \left(\frac{Q}{4 \pi r^{2}}\right) \right| $

We assume $Q=1$ (spherical propagation), and $r=1m$ (a typical distance at which manifacturer measure the Sound Power Level).

The $L_P$ perceived by an animal $z$ at distance $d$ from the drone with air attenuation is: $ L_{P_d}(z) = L_{P}(z) + 20 \log_{10} \left(\frac{r}{d}\right)$

For multiple drones $C$, their contributions sum: $L_{P_T}(z) = 10 \log_{10} \left(\sum_{c \in{C}} 10^{\frac{L_{P_c}(z)}{10}} \right)$

To normalize in $[0, 1]$, we assume that a noise below $20dB$ (~ a ticking watch) can’t be distinguished from the background, and a noise above $80dB$ (~ police car siren) will always disturb the animal.

Since noise is perceived non-linearly, we use a sigmoid with $\mu=40dB$ (~ refrigerator hum, our proxy for the background noise).

The final normalized noise metric is thus $\rho(z) = \Phi\left(h(L_{P_T}(z)); h(\mu), 4\right)$


  • we assume noise propagates in air without major obstacles or reflections
  • we set silence at the sound of a ticking watch, and maximum noise at the level of a police siren
  • we sum the contribution of every drone and consider non-linear perception

plain LinPro

Herd-sensitive tracking

Running state-of-the-art OMOkC algorithms¹ on our setup highlighted some issues:

  • OMOkC algorithms are designed to cover individual targets, not groups
  • Current SOTA algorithms are meant to quickly react to changes in interestingness, but all animals are equally interesting
  • Usual setups have enough drones to provide $k$ views for each target, but with herds targets largely outnumber drones

$\Rightarrow$ We alter the general structure of OMOkC algorithms to track herd centroids instead of individual targets.

  1. Identification and localization: each drone identifies and localizes the animals in its FoV as best as it can
    • we accept localization and identification errors
  2. Information exchange and consensus: local information is exchanged among drones to reach consensus on the herd composition, then each drone, locally, performs a recursive hierarchical agglomerative clustering² to find the herd centroid
    • we accept limited communication ranges and network segmentation
    • we accept that different drones may have different information and compute different centroids
  3. Prioritization: we feed the locally-computed herd centroids to the original OMOkC algorithms
  1. D. Pianini, F. Pettinari, R. Casadei, and L. Esterle, “A collective adaptive approach to decentralised k-coverage in multi-robot systems,” ACM Trans. Auton. Adapt. Syst., vol 17, pp. 4:1–4:39, 2022.
  2. A. Lukasová, “Hierarchical agglomerative clustering procedure,” Pattern Recognit. 11(5-6): 365-381, 1979

LinPro + clustering


  • Simulation of a 2x2km arena realized in Alchemist¹, algorithms written in Protelis²
    • aggregate computing³ worked quite well for the decentralized coordination
  • video capture session of 30 minutes (to avoid concerns related to battery life)
  • 140 grazing zebras, moving at a maximum speed of $2\frac{m}{s}$ split in 2, 4, or 8 separate herds
  • drone-to-herd ratio of 1:1, 2:1, and 3:1.
  • drones can move at $10\frac{m}{s}$ and have a line-of-sight communication range of $1km$.
  • Experiments available and reproducible: DOI
  3. Aggregate Programming for the Internet of Things. Computer 48(9): 22-30 (2015)

Overall results

global metric, $\nu~\Rightarrow~$ drones per every herd, $\zeta~\Rightarrow~$ herd count

  • Force-Field LinPro+Clustering (ff_linpro_c) is the best across the board
  • Plain Force-Field LinPro, that outperforms all other algorithms in “classic” OMOkC scenarios, is the worst in our context
  • The higher the drone:herd ratio, and the more herds, the larger is the gap between ff_linpro_c and the remainder of the algorithms, showing better adaptation

Coverage results

1-, 2-, and 3-coverage, all algorithms configured to achieve 3-coverage ($k=3$)

  • Force-Field LinPro+Clustering (ff_linpro_c) is the best but for 1-coverage and too few drones
  • Smooth-Available (sm_av) achieves good 1-coverage, but performance degrades with higher coverages
    • It is likely that ff_linpro_c configured with $k=1$ would perform better
  • Plain LinPro (ff_linpro) and Neighbor-Broadcast-Received-Calls (bc_re), our baselines, perform consistently poorly

Quality and noise results

Geometric mean across all experiments, broken down for each metric

$\Diamond~\Rightarrow$ body coverage $\Gamma~\Rightarrow$ FoV centrality $\rho~\Rightarrow$ noise pollution
  • LinPro+Clustering (ff_linpro_c) and Smooth-Available (sm_av) are the noisiest because they achieve better coverage
  • Neighbor-Broadcast-Received-Calls (bc_re) tends to over-cover few animals, leading poor centrality and loud noise

Future work

Algorithmic improvements Model improvements Evaluation improvements
Adaptive clustering threshold Noise-sensitive herds Robustness analysis
Learning-based approaches Energy model Network requirement analysis
Battery management Multiple species Computational weight analysis
Noise-aware optimization
Mission-level control